The developer has not uploaded a game yet...

This is a web build for Dino - there is a downloadable version available as well. I'll combine these once supports downloads AND shared-array-buffer support at the same time (in all browsers). For now, the web build is separated.


Dino _was_ a monorepo started in late 2022 to learning Godot, do game jams, and start some addons/libraries. Since late 2023, I've been reimagining and refactoring - the games have being deconstructed and DRYed up into shared systems.

Dino now presents a suite of short games - these are platformer and top-down games with dungeon crawler and metroidvania-style maps. The maps are procedurally generated with basic algorithms and some parsed plaintext - I hope to put together some video devlogs covering the code soon.

I'm currently pushing for a June 1st release on steam! Wishlist it today, or just get the latest from itch on this page.

Dino is open-source! Check out the code on github and the static docs site.

Feel free to ping me on Discord with any questions or feedback! You can support me on patreon.

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